All kinds of underwater technical works
Fiber-optic cable communication lines construction on a turn-key basis
Trenchless technologies of differentpipeline laying by horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method
Modern technologies
under the water and under the ground
Technical base
Our objects
SFOCS outlets installation
Executed projects of subsea cable lines installation:
Inshore part of International FOCS (Black Sea FOCS) near Jubga, Black Sea
Inshore part of International FOCS Russia – Finland near Vistino, Gulf of Finland.
Subsea FOCS S.Petersburg-Kronstadt (for Ministry for Defense).
Inshore parts of FOCS Sovetskaya Gavan – Ilyinskiy (Sakhalin), Tatar Strait.
Inshore part of International FOCS Russia (Nevelsk) - Japan (Issikari), Nevelsk (Sakhalin), Tatar Strait.
Inshore part of Segments S-1 and S-2 of International FOCS Russia-Japan, Nakhodka, Japan Sea.
Denmark-Russia 1 subsea cable system recoveries and disposals in Russian waters of Narva Bay.
Inshore part of subsea cable line Tymovskoe-Lazarev at Lazarev cape – Pogibi cape.
At present time Podvodtechstroy company takes part in elaboration of the projects for subsea power cables installation in St.Petersburg and in White Sea.